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  4. LPKY Convention Participation Guidelines

LPKY Convention Participation Guidelines

Welcome and thank you for your interest in getting more involved with the Libertarian Party of Kentucky.  This document explains the criteria to participate in any LPKY convention as a voting member.

Each of our affiliates have an Annual Convention.  Per our rules, County Party Annual Conventions are held in January, District Party Annual Conventions are held in February, and the State Party Annual Convention is held in March.  Primary, we elect leadership at the County and District levels.  At the State Party Annual Convention, we elect leadership, and also debate internal rules and platform planks, and elect our delegates to the National Convention.  Candidate nomination is often held in conjunction with the Annual Convention. These business sessions often include “unofficial” social events before or after, as well.

The State Party and its Affiliates can also conduct a Special Convention for limited purposes. These are rare, but do happen every decade or so.

To participate in any convention for LPKY and its affiliates, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Registered to vote as a Libertarian with the Kentucky Secretary of State.
    • If you have committed a non-violent felony and have completed your sentence, you can apply for an exemption.
    • If you are 16 or 17 years old, you can apply for a waiver and be permitted to participate at the County Party level.
  • Sign LP Kentucky’s the Pledge of Non-Aggression.
  • Pay Annual Dues of no less than $35, no later than 14 days prior to the convention.

To participate in an Annual Convention, you must be registered to vote as a Libertarian with the Kentucky Secretary of State by December 31st of the year preceding the convention.

Some conventions also require the payment of a floor fee to offset convention costs.  The specific information should be available within the link for a particular convention.

You can see the list of upcoming noticed conventions here.  You can search for your county, and if it doesn’t appear, you should instead search for “district” and find the appropriate Congressional District party for you.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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